Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Storyboard Final Copy Part Three

This is the third and final part to our finished and completed storyboard:

Storyboard Final Copy Part Two

This is the second page to our finished and completed storyboard:

Storyboard Final Copy Part One

This is the first page of our final and completed storyboard for our film piece.

Locations And Costumes

In this post the image shows more detailed and appropriate notes on the locations which we are including in our film piece, and all of the costumes for each of our characters including some props they might have with them. For locations we looked into what locations suited each of our charcters and for costumes we all had our own ideas for what each of characters should dress like and put our ideas together deciding the final costumes for each of the charcters.

Draft Locations And Costumes

This is a few draft notes on what locations we would like to include in our film piece and basic outline of the clothes/costumes which we want our characters to wear:

Meeting One Notes 1

These are some of the notes from our meeting which took place. We discssed and decided with permission who was going to be cast into our film piece and a few locations which we might include (more details on other sheets which will be uploaded at a later date.)

Meeting One

This is the meeting minutes sheet which I completed anf filled out when we were having a meeting about our film piece in class. We discussed locations, casting and props which we need.

Storyboard Draft Two

This is the second piece to our draft copy of our storybard. The storyboard is unfinished but we plan to finish and complete it when we re-do our storyboard so that it is presentable:

Storyboard Draft One

This is the draft of our unfinished storyboard for our film. We started this during class and had yet to complete the storyboard:

Script Part Two

This the the second part of our draft script for our film which we continued and finished writing during class:

Script Part One

This is the first part of our draft script which we wrote in class together for our piece:

Final Piece Film Name Ideas

These are some of the draft names we came up with for our film piece, and also including ideas for the name of the city which the film mainly takes place in:

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Coraline Title Sequence

This is the third and final opening sequence of a film which I analysed. This film was once again a different genre to the other two films which I had analysed and it was also a cartoon/digital film aimed at completely different audiences than JUNO and Captain America and with all three analysis' of the film I had recieved a various ideas about different films and how the opening sequences are shot.

1sec: Focus features present
7secs: A laika production
13secs: In association with Pandemonium
15-17secs: Fade to and from a black screen
17secs: Main title Coraline
22-43: Cast Names x's 8
44-46: Black screen
48secs: Lead animators
1.00: Concept artist
1.04: Art directors
1.09: Storyboard supervisor
1.22: Editors
1.25: Visual effects supervisor
1.33: Music by
1.44: Supervising animator
1.55: Director of photography
2.00: Produced by
2.11: Produced by
2.14: Based on the novel by
2.19: Written for the screen and directed by

The animation style and type of film is introduced/shown to the audience throughout the opening sequence.
Music is played throughout the openining sequence from start to finish and fades out in the end. The music played at the start of the sequence gives off a creepy feel and the music could be used to aappeal to a certain audience.

Captain America: The First Avenger - Title Sequence

This is another film opening sequence analysis. It is a different genre from the previous opening sequence I analyses, I did this so I could get different ideas on how film opening sequences are shown through different genres. The film I had chosen was Captaib Ameria: The First Avenger

3secs: Directed by  
9secs: Screenplay by
15secs: Produced by
20secs: Executive producers x's 3
26secs: Executive producers x's 3
31secs: Director of photography
35secs: Production designer
39secs: Editors x's 2
44secs: Costume designer
48secs: Visual effects supervisor
54secs: Co-producers x's 2
58secs: Music by
1.03: Music Supervisor
1.09: Casting by x's 3
1.16 - 2.06: Cast names x's14
2.06: Paramount pictures and marvel entertainment present
2.12: A marvel stuios production
2.18: A film by
2.24: Main title - Captain America

Music is being played all throughout the opening seqeunce and fades out at the end

The images used throughout were propaganda posters and such from World War 2. The music played throughout the sequence is old fashioned and, the style makes the audience feel like they are in the 1940s, and maybe the audience could feel nostalgic where it could be the type of music they like or used to hear their parents maybe listen to.

JUNO Title Sequence

This is an analysis of the opening sequence of a non-thriller film. I did so to see how films were shown through an opening sequence and how it could help us when making our opening sequence. The film i picked to analyse was JUNO.

0-20 secs: Animation Sequence And At The End Juno Comes On Screen and music starts
21secs: First Title - Fox Search Light Pictures Present
27secs: A Mandate Pictures Mr Mudd Production
32secs: A Jason Reitman Film

45 - 1.17: Main Cast 7xs Cast Names
1.20: Casting
1.26: Costume Designer
1.30: Music + Songs
1.36: Music Supervisor
1.42: Co-Producers
1.46: Film Editing
1.51: Production Designer
1.55: Director Of Photogrpahy
2.01: Executive Producers
2.07: Produced By
2.11: Written By
2.20: Directed By
2.29: Opening sequence ends and the music fades our

The settings of the film is introduced to us through the opening sequence
Music/Title starts from the beginning and then fades out at the end of the opening sequence. The msuic starts of calm and relaxed and gives off the feel of an indie film, also that it could be low budget. With music playing it can be used to appeal to a niche audience, maybe people who listen to indie music or enjoy those types of films