Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Preliminary Task Commentary

For our preliminary task we had chosen to film somebody walking into a classroom and sitting next to someone on a table and having a short conversation with them and then both leaving. For this task we had to create a script for our task and also a storyboard so that we knew what we were saying and how the shots were meant to be filmed. We did so as soon as possible because we had changed groups several times and had to get started quickly.

In this task we both took active roles in acting in the piece and another member of the group used the camera and filmed. Once we had finished filming our task we then went onto editing our task, me and Natasha both did the editing for the film. We used Corel Studio for editing our piece, I had already been familiar with the editing software so I was confident in using it but Natasha had never used it so I taught Natasha what to do and how to use the editing software.

In our preliminary task we had to include short reverse shot, we had some evidence of this in our piece but it was not framed well as the tripod which the camera was on was too high, we had needed to lower the height of the tripod so it matched eye level. Also we did not have any footage which had allowed for match on action, which we needed to include in our preliminary task. However on a lighter note, in all of our included footage we had followed the 180 degree rule which was another thing that was needed. In our preliminary task we did some difficulties with the editing software but managed to finish editing our final preliminary task.

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